A Tribute to Mahdia

Posted on May 27, 2023May 27, 2023

“With humble hearts and heads bowed down, we kneel before thine altar, Lord” in this most grievous time, truly a dark time in our Nation’s history. The tragedy of the Mahdia Secondary School Dormatory fire has brought our nation to its knees as we grapple with the untimely death of the Nation’s most precious and valuable. The Bishops’ High School Family expresses heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of those who have perished in the inferno and to … Continue reading “A Tribute to Mahdia”


Posted on May 18, 2023May 18, 2023

The Bishops’ High will be hosting its Annual Culture Day Activity on Thursday May 25, 2023.There will be a flag raising ceremony which begins at 9 am Sharp, followed by a culturalpresentation/ cultural programme. In celebration of our Culture we are advocating that students stick to their assigned ethnic wear.However, we do not want to create added expenses for parents. Therefore if a child already hasan ethnic wear that is outside of their assigned group they can wear it.Please note … Continue reading “CULTURE DAY 2023”