The Bishops’ High will be hosting its Annual Culture Day Activity on Thursday May 25, 2023.
There will be a flag raising ceremony which begins at 9 am Sharp, followed by a cultural
presentation/ cultural programme.

In celebration of our Culture we are advocating that students stick to their assigned ethnic wear.
However, we do not want to create added expenses for parents. Therefore if a child already has
an ethnic wear that is outside of their assigned group they can wear it.
Please note however, that modesty is important. No child should be wearing clothes that exposes
major parts of their bodies. Eg. students who are wearing Amerindian wear should have on some
undergarment that covers his/her body.
Please note that students will not be allowed to enter the school premises with jeans
or tee shirts.

Grade 7​ Amerindians
Grade 8​ Africans
Grade 9​ East Indians
Grade 10​ Chinese
Upper School​ European or a fusion of Ethnic Wear
Except for the Upper School each level is encouraged to dress as assigned.
High-Light of Culture Day 2023:

This will be a cooking competition between the five Houses at The Bishops’ High School.
Each House is expected to cook the following three dishes
Three dishes representing three different ethnic groups must be cooked on the day and be
presented to be judged.
Metemgee ( African), Curried Chicken ( East Indian) & Chinese Fried Rice ( Chinese)

Parents and Old Students are encouraged to be a part of these activity and represent the House
of their Child/Ward