Rotation System for all Students in Forms 4, 5, Lower 6 & Upper 6

Students will report to school for face-to-face teaching as designated below. On the days which they do not report to school students will utilize the google classroom for classes.

Week 7 February 15th – 19th
Mon 15thTues 16thWed 17thThur 18thFri 19th
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6
Week 8 February 22nd – 26th
Mon 22ndTues 23rdWed 24thThur 25thFri 26th
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Week 9 March 1st – 5th
Mon 1stTues 2ndWed 3rdThur 4thFri 5th
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6
Week 10 March 8th – 12th
Mon 8thTues 9thWed 10thThur 11thFri 12th
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Week 11 March 15th – 19th
Mon 15thTues 16thWed 17thThur 18thFri 19th
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6
Form 4
Form 5
Lower 6
Upper 6