Parents/ guardians and Students:
You are invited to a meeting on 7th June, 2021 at 10:00 hrs. to discuss streaming of Grade 9 students who will be transitioning to Grade 10 in the new academic year starting September 2021. The duration of this meeting is approximately three (3) hours. You will have the opportunity to hear from the Heads of the various subject departments who will enlighten you more on the subjects offered in their departments. These presentations will assist parents/guardians and students with the selection of the stream that will be best take students towards their career pathway.

After the presentations, the students will break into their respective google classrooms where they will receive further guidance from their base teachers on how to fill in the information for the streaming forms. Parents/ guardians you will have the opportunity to ask questions about streaming in these breakout sessions.

The zoom link to this meeting will be posted in your respective google classrooms (baseroom).
For your information and guidance,