Secondary Schools will re-open based on the rollout of the vaccination programme for adolescents. The advice received from the Ministry of Health is that it is better to allow students to be vaccinated and be fully inoculated before returning to the school’s physical environment. As such, classes at The Bishops’ High School will be conducted online beginning on September 6th 2021 until students are fully inoculated.

For an adolescent to be deemed fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine they must receive two doses 21 -28 days apart with an additional seven to 14 days after the second dose to be fully protected. This would mean that the different secondary schools will return to face to face instruction on different dates.

Parents or guardians will be updated on the commencement of face-to-face classes for all levels based on the guidance from the Ministry of Education. Timetables and class codes will be updated on respective class pages on the school’s website at the earliest opportunity.