Grade 9

At this level students are required to pursue all  “compulsory” subjects  and a choice of 1 subject from each of the “options” provided.  Students are urged to select their option carefully. In total, each student will be pursuing 16 subjects.


  1. Mathematics
  2. English A
  3. English B
  4. Social Studies
  5. Geography
  6. Health & Family Life Education
  7. History
  8. Information Technology
  9. Integrated Science  
  10. Pure Science
  11. Business Studies


  1. French/ Spanish /Portuguese (Choose One)
  2. Visual Arts / Music (Choose One)
  3. Family & Resource Management/ Technical Drawing/ Agricultural Science (Choose One)
  4. Clothing, Textiles & Fashion / Electrical Technology (Choose One)
  5. Food & Nutrition/ Building Technology (Choose One)