Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations for Online Learning

As an approach to continue educating you remotely, the students of The Bishops’ High School, during this COVID-19 period,  all classes will be done online through google classroom, google meet and other google apps. The school’s Administration and Teachers would like to thank you for your patience and to encourage you to adopt online learning with the same enthusiasm and discipline as you would have in school. We expect your full participation in all of your timetabled classes. You will be monitored and can be disciplined, if the case arises. The following are some rules that you will be guided by as we transition into online teaching and learning. 

  1. All students should sign in at 8:50 H and 12:30 H respectively, from Monday to Friday to register their presence with their respective class teacher for each session of the day. Failure to do so will be recorded as an absence and the parent will have to render an explanation for this absence. 
  2. Attendance and participation will be recorded in every meet session by respective teachers. 
  3. Students are expected to be properly dressed with hair neatly combed for video classes. 
  4. Each student should have a book to make notes during each session. Even though the teacher’s notes may be available, your personal notes will help you to understand  content better.  
  5. Students will be respectful at all times to teachers and classmates. Misbehaviours WILL have consequences. 
  6. No eating, playing games, listening to music, watching TV, etc. during class sessions. 
  7. Ensure that assignments are submitted on time. Late submission will be recorded and appropriate penalty administered. 
  8. Ensure that tests and quizzes are completed on time.
  9. Students are not allowed to contact any teacher privately, via whatsapp or by any other means. All communications  must be made through your classroom. Private comments and emails to teachers are allowed within the classroom.
  10. Students can only contact a teacher from 08:00H to 16:00 H from Monday to Friday. If an email is sent outside of this time range, do not expect an immediate response. Teachers may take 24 to 48 hours to respond to an email. 
  11. Follow guidelines given below to ensure a good transition through every session.

School Uniform Regulations

The full school uniform must be worn at all times in school. This includes a tie and a BADGE which should be on the pocket of the shirt for males and on the left side of the tunic for females.


The following is an explanation of the girls’ uniform.

Tunic material: The tunic will be made of dark green synthetic and crease resistant material.

General Design: The tunic must be worn loose fitting. the white shirt must be held in neatly at all times, therefore parents should ensure that instructions on measurements are followed accurately.

In the front, the U- shaped neckline is 9-10 inches long and 4-5 inches wide and normally ends just above the waistline or slightly higher for the heavier girls. The armhole extends down to about 1 1/2 inches above the  waistline and slightly lower for the heavier girls. The upper front of the tunic must be 3 – inches wide each side of the neckline and must not appear to be straps, hence the width.

There is an inverted pleat in the lower front of the tunic.. This must be stitched down as far as the hip line for the slim girls; but slightly above the hip line for the heavier girls. There must be no sagging of the pleat, there is an inner side pocket on the right. No belt is worn with the tunic.

At the back, the neckline of the tunic reaches up to the collar of the blouse; no opening is to be the made at the back or side. The extended neckline is wide enough to allow the head to pass through easily. The hem line should be just on the knee and the hem deep enough to be let down as the child grows.

Blouse: It is generally found to be easy and economical to buy ready-made polyester cotton shirts for this purpose. It is made to open down the front with a basic shirt collar. The sleeves are short.

Shoes and Socks: Plain flat black shoes with plain white ankle socks.

Female Uniform – Forms 1-5


The School uniform comprises:

  • White short sleeved SHIRT only and a school tie.
  • A white VEST only may be worn under the shirt.
  • Dark green pants, knee length for Grades 7-9. Long dark green trousers for all other male students. OVERLY TIGHT AND PENCIL BOTTOM TROUSERS ARE PROHIBITED.
  • Black socks.
  • Plain BLACK SHOES.
  • Plain BLACK BELT. Stylized buckle-heads are prohibited.
Males Uniform – Forms 1-3

Physical Education Uniform- Boys and Girls

  • Dark green (school colour) shorts for both boys and girls, must be worn loose, fitted with elastic in the waist in preference to zippers and/or buttons for openings. Every student should have at least one pair of green shorts. The hem of the shorts should be 4 inches above the knee.
  • White T-shirt with school’s badge/ crest .
  • White rubber sole boots/ sneakers.
  • White ankle socks




Female students are required to comb their hair away from their faces. Only black accessories (clips, pompoms, ribbons) are allowed.


Male students MUST wear their hair short at all times. No hair should be allowed to fall on the forehead, i.e. no fringes, mo-hawks or spiked styles. No beards, mustaches or extended sideburns are allowed.

Cellular Phones/ Laptops/ Tablets/ Gaming Devices

Students are not allowed to use cell phones during school hours. Gaming devices, laptops or tablets are not allowed unless directed and supervised by a teacher. 


Students must be in their grade (common) rooms when the bell rings at the beginning of the morning and afternoon sessions. The warning bell goes ten minutes before each session is scheduled to begin.

Presence on School Premises

During the week, students should not arrive before 7:00 a.m. or remain after 4:30 p.m. unless they have permission to do so from the Headteacher. Special permission need not be obtained when they return or remain for recognized school activities, but must be obtained in all other cases.

Those who take lunch away from school must return by 12:40 p.m. when the warning bell in rung.

Students must not be in school between 4:30 p.m. on Fridays and 7:30 am on Mondays unless they have permission in advance from the Headteacher, or are present at a recognised school activity. Grade (common) rooms must not be visited during weekends without permission.

When special classes are held during vacation or on Saturdays, students MUST wear their school uniform.

Moving About

Students are to walk in single file on the left side along the corridor and stairs. The only exception to this rule is in the case of fire when special rules apply.

There must be no running or dawdling in the corridors at any time and no talking while lessons and assemblies are in progress. Students must not ride in and out of gates, nor loiter outside the school compound. 

Students should not loiter along the corridors on all levels.


No student must open another’s desk locker or bag under any circumstance.

Textbooks must not be borrowed, lent or shared without special permission from the teacher in charge.

Toys, games, comic books and magazines are not to be brought to school.

All property must be clearly marked with the owner’s name.


Money must no be collected for any purpose without permission from the Headteacher. This includes raffles, subscription lists etc. Nothing must be sold on the premises without the permission of the Headteacher. A student who brings money to school should keep it on his/her person, not in his /her school bag or lunch kit.

Out of Bounds

Only prefects may use the stairs leading from the Headteacher’s office to the Library. Students must seek special permission to enter the Headteacher’s Office and Staff Room. 

The Stage and Music Rooms are out of bounds except when they are in use for recognized school activities.

Students should not use the playing fields before 9:00 a.m. or after 4:30 p.m.

The canteen is not to be visited except during break, lunch and at the end of the afternoon session.


Girls with pierced ears are permitted to wear small circular gold studs. No other jewellery may be worn to school.

Boys are not permitted to wear jewellery to school. Only the school’s lapel pin can be worn.

Clean Surroundings

All litter, waste paper, sweet wrappers, food boxes and bottles must be put into bins and boxes provided. Students must strive to ensure that grade (common) rooms, corridors and surroundings generally are kept clean at all times.