About Us


In 1870, the school was founded by the Anglican Church as a Ladies’ School. It opened with six boarders, twenty non-resident students, and Miss Clemens as Headmistress. In 1875, it was merged with the De Saffon School. The school was first housed at Brickdam and Manget Place. It changed locations several times over the years and in 1921, it moved to its present site, Carmichael and Quamina Streets, Georgetown.

Mrs. Vyfhuis was officially appointed as Headmistress of the school in 1875 and served in that capacity until 1922. During this period, she received the co-operation of many, most notably from three Bishops. They were Rt. Rev. William Piercy Austin, the Bishop of Guiana, Bishop Edward Archibald Parry, who later became Archbishop and Bishop Oswald Parry, who in 1922 became Chairman of the Advisory Committee. In the early days the school was run by an Advisory Committee. This administrative system, which began in 1922, continued until 1942 when ownership of the school was transferred to the Government.

The School was eventually named after Bishop Edward Archibald Parry and Bishop Oswald Parry in recognition of their service. To this day, it is known as The Bishops’ High School.

During Mrs. Vyfhuis’ tenure the school introduced an emblem and motto. On a green background stood a Victoria Regia Lily attached to its wide circular leaf with the words of the  motto, Labor Omnia Vincit, which literally means , Work Conquers  Everything. Community Service was also introduced. Initially, the service given was for the benefit of the Leper Hospital and the Dorcas Club; over the years Community Service was continued by students of The Bishops’ High School and extended to many other institutions.

In 1899, Ida Tengeley became the school’s first student to be awarded a Guiana Scholarship, which came into existence as a result of a decision by the Combined Court, to award Colonial Scholarships to English Universities. The original standard for the award was a minimum Third Class Honours with a distinction in the Cambridge Senior Examinations.

In 1927, the second student of the school to have attained the distinction of a Guiana Scholarship award was Winifred Hale. By this time there was a new Headmistress, Miss Emily Baskett. She showed keen interest in co-curricular activities. Before her retirement she started the Dramatic Club, the Debating Society and the Girl Guides Company.

With Mrs. Wearn as Head of school during 1933-1937, the high scholastic standard was maintained. In 1935, Lilian Dewar was awarded a Guiana Scholarship. She later returned to serve as a teacher at The Bishops’ High School and in 1961 became the first Guyanese to be appointed Headmistress to the institution.

It was Mrs. Aileen Allen who was at the helm during the negotiation for the Government take-over of the school. On the 1st January, 1942, the Church of England handed over ownership of the school to the Government of the Colony. The  records show that the school, with its 208 students on roll, had become a financial burden to the church, thus the transfer of ownership had become a necessity.

Under Mrs. Allen’s impressive powers of organization, the school was transformed from the old building to the new. The new building boasted eight specialist rooms and fourteen classrooms, each twenty-four feet by twenty-four feet, to accommodate thirty students.

Miss Mollie Harris was appointed Headmistress of The Bishops’ High School in 1951. During the ten year period that she held this post, greater emphasis was placed on Science subjects. She worked assiduously on acquiring an extension of the laboratory area and also increasing the science facilities and equipment of the school. Miss Harris was also instrumental in the formation of the Parent Teachers Association (PTA).

From 1961 to the present there has been  a succession of Guyanese appointed to the post of Headmistress:

Ms. Lilian Dewar                1961-1671

Ms. Carmen Jarvis            1971-1977

Ms. Joy O’ John                1977-1980

Mrs. Linnette Alleyne        1985-1987

Mrs. Maureen Massiah     1987- 2002

Mrs. Elizabeth Walcott     2003- 2008

Mrs. Beverly Daly                2008- 2012 (Ag.)

Mrs. Beverly Daly                2012- 2013

Mrs. Winifred Ellis            2013- 2019

Ms. Marilyn Gibson            2019- Present

There has been one Headmaster:

Mr. Reuben Dash                1980-1985

Each has in turn made valuable contributions to the life of the school, a school with a tradition of patriotism, creativity, loyalty , service and high scholastic achievement. A school which has taught resilience, team spirit, self discipline, reliability and consideration for others. A school that encourages every student to pursue excellence, and to be the best that he or she can be.